Monday, September 23, 2013

How to Handle Java Serialized Object in Oracle?

Applies to Java, JEE Environments.

Take the serialized object, which is a byte array, convert it to a string and write to a file instead of storing it in Oracle.

Error Cases:

1. If you try to store it in a varchar2 column in Oracle Database you might get error when retrieving the object and deserialize it.  Error could state that 'serialVersionUID had changed'.

2. If you store the serialized object (a byte array) into a blob column.  And when trying to retrieve the blob to deserialize the object, you might get an error saying that the object had been corrupted.  That is because of the array size difference.  i.e., stored was 102 bytes and the one retrieved was 203 bytes.

Reference / Read More:
Interface Serializable

Serializable Objects

Java Object Serialization

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